No Relief For Taxpayers

America’s middle class is disappearing rapidly. Increased taxation coupled with higher living costs are wiping out savings and making standards of living no longer tenable. Rather than respond to this problem those affected live in a depressed political apathy, throwing their support behind polar radicals like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump whose impressive rhetoric offers…

Obamacare Redux

There has been much controversy and upheaval since SCOTUS announced it’s 5-4 decision on the individual mandate regarding Obamacare. Many have gone so far as to call Chief Justice Roberts a “traitor” or a “turncoat” etc. as he was the deciding opinion in the decision. Even those who supported Obamacare aren’t so sure they like…

The End of Health Insurance as We Knew It

 The recent SCOTUS decision on Obamacare means the end for the health insurance companies. What a claim! How can I say this? It’s cheaper to pay the annual penalty, now called a tax by SCOTUS, than pay for expensive insurance coverage. The “pre-existing condition” clause means no matter how severely ill someone is, you can…