Language: The Final Frontier

Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson has taught all free-marketeers something valuable; the English language must remain laissez-faire. His stance against Canada’s mainstream academia, more precisely, their insistence that the student body and faculty address each other using new “non-binary pronouns” has raised Jordan Peterson to a level of notoriety. But, does Dr. Peterson even know he’s…

Rights Being Eroded

Source: Rights being eroded Recently I had read a blog from Libertarian57, in this article, he asked the reader to share their thoughts on how our rights are being eroded. Here was my response, A good post and a good question. I had lived and worked in Berlin Germany, back when it was still West…

Ramblings of an Individualist

  I am going to begin by apologizing to the readers for the long delay between articles. Recently, I’ve been running on the ragged edge, sort to speak. With my job, obligations to other people and life’s ever dramatic way of introducing that cliché wrench in the works, I’ve found little time to sit and…